Irish Dance Classes
Harrison Hopper Classes
Age 18 months-3 years
Parent and toddler
These classes last 30 minutes;
Developing a love of dance
Making new friends
Develop co-ordination
Develop timing
Develop cognitive skills
Learn basic technique for Irish Dance
Jumpers Classes
Age 4+
Boy's and Girl's
These classes last 1 hrs and focus on;
Developing basic steps and beginner dances
Make new friends
Develop a love of dance
Developing confidence and performance skills
Develop timing and technique
Advanced Classes
All age groups
Invitation to this class depending on ability and age
These classes last 2/ 2.5 hrs and focus on;
Refining technique and rhythm
Developing stamina, strength and flexibility
Mastering stage presence
Performance opportunities
Preparing for competition
Work on mindset and setting targets
Adult classes
Classes for age 16+
1 hour class
Fun/ fitness
Run through beginner dances, soft and heavy shoes
Learn advanced steps
Ceili dances